Bilaminate lugs are the source of another of my favourite lug designs, even though they are not really a lug at all. Basically it is a fillet brazed frame with sleeves over the joining tubes which make it look like lugs. Claud Butler were famous for this technique.
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[ebsu_row][ebsu_column size=”2/3″]After the war when there were shortages of lugs, Claud Butler used bilaminates to build their fancy lugged frames. In fact they marketed bilaminate lugs as “the greatest advancement in framebuilding since the evolution of the safety bicycle”. Strong words indeed. However it was an ingenious way of coming up with what looked like very fancy lugs as well as not being restricted to set angles which lugs are available in.
Not very easy to see in the brochure (its been in a drawer in the frameshop for 60 years) but this frame has the Allrounder axehead style design.
One of the biggest problems with lugs is that when designing your geometry you are restricted by the angles the lugs were inteneded for originally. This is especially the case with modern cast lugs which can’t be manipulated much. However bilaminate lugs get round this problem entirely.[/ebsu_column]
[ebsu_column size=”1/3″][ebsu_photo_panel shadow=”0px 1px 2px #eeeeee” radius=”5″ photo=””]Claud Butler do in fact still exist and make a whole range of bicycles from road bikes to hybrids and town bikes.
Check out their range[/ebsu_photo_panel][/ebsu_column][/ebsu_row]
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